Continuous and Diverse Image-to-Image Translation via Signed Attribute Vectors

Qi Mao1Hsin-Ying Lee2Hung-Yu Tseng3Jia-Bin Huang4Siwei Ma1Ming-Hsuan Yang3

1Peking University  2Snap Research   3University of California, Merced 4Virginia Tech

Reference-guided Comparisons

Below are the comparisons between our approach and other image-to-image and face attribtue editing algorithms evaluated on Male <-> Female Translations.

Input Reference StarGAN-v2 HomoInterpGAN FUNIT Our Result

Latent-guided Comparisons

Below are the comparisons between our approach and other image-to-image and face attribtue editing algorithms evaluated on Male <-> Female Translations.

Input StarGAN-v2 DLOW RelGAN Fader Networks Our Result